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As was communicated on March 18th, a member of the ECHS staff tested positive for COVID-19. We want to keep you up to date with the EC administration’s response to this situation. The staff member is following the protocol of health officials and self isolating. The staff member is in good spirits and feeling well.
Communication Timeline
As stated above, a public message was posted on all EC channels as well as shared with all EC families on 3.18.2020. Further private EC community messages were sent on 3.19.2020. EC families who are not getting information should check their spam folders. After that step, please check with your building principal. It is possible that you had earlier unsubscribed from our communication streams.
Campus/Facility Initiatives
Facility cleanliness is paramount to EC’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. While we had already increased the cleaning and disinfecting at each campus over the past couple weeks based on a CDC recommended process to clean every building. As a part of our plan to eventually return to campus, we will now be employing the services of professional “foggers” who will address high likelihood areas based on where the affected staff member works. We will do this on a timetable that lines up with the end of the 14 day quarantine period.
Prayer Requests
Please continue to pray for the affected staff member and their family. Please further pray for the health and safety of all EC students, staff members, and families.
Recommendations: What can I do?
Continue to abide by the guidelines of WHO and CDC. Stay up to date with New Jersey health guidelines. Practice social distancing. Repeatedly wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water. Stay hydrated. Pray (see above). Use the tools of technology to check in on neighbors, friends, and family members to ensure that everyone is staying connected and staying positive.
Public health experts inform us that we should expect further community spread of the disease in the days and weeks ahead. As this occurs, the possibility exists that other members of our school community may become infected. In order to help us prepare for our eventual return to our campuses, we would appreciate your assistance in informing the members of our nursing staff listed below of any presumed or confirmed diagnoses of COVID-19 or of students, faculty, or staff members experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
The members of our nursing staff monitoring this information are:
If you personally are expressing symptoms or are wondering about getting tested, please contact your healthcare professional for direction. Our nursing staff will also be happy to provide guidance to you regarding steps you should take in the event that you experience symptoms.
What About This Week?
For our students and staff, continue doing what you’ve already been doing last week! It’s been an amazing first three days of remote learning. We’re so proud of the way that this community has stepped up to this situation. Encourage each other in the faith, and in the faithful pursuit of knowledge through a Christian education at EC.